Kylie Jenner To Privately Settle Make Up Copyright Lawsuit Over Kylie Cosmetics: Report

Kylie Jenner To Privately Settle Make Up Copyright Lawsuit Over Kylie Cosmetics: Report

Back in October, Kylie Jenner was sued for allegedly stealing a makeup packaging concept from Sheree Cosmetics and the company’s “Born to Sparkle” makeup line. As the story goes, Sheree released her “Born To Sparkle” line and then Kylie dropped off an eyeshadow collection of the same name with the same packaging and colours. 

The Blast now reports that Kylie and Sheree are working on exchanging information privately in hopes of settling the case on their own so both parties don’t have to attend court. Back when Sheree first sparked the lawsuit, she was suing for unspecified damages and an injunction, demanding the court to stop Kylie from selling the products. 

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

“I think truly, I put a lot of hard work into this,” Kylie said of her billion dollar company. “It’s not like I’m doing this to make money. I don’t even think about that part. This is just something authentic to me.”

“I don’t think she sees herself stepping away from this brand for many years,” momager Kris Jenner added. “There is so much more to do with the brand. There are so many pieces of the puzzle to put together to create an entire line of cosmetics. The goal in the future is to just build the whole infrastructure, and figure out what a retail model might look like that could take it globally.”