Chris Hemsworth On His Future As Thor After “Thor: Love and Thunder”

Chris Hemsworth On His Future As Thor After “Thor: Love and Thunder”

Chris Hemsworth says he has no plans to retire from the Marvel Cinematic Universe following Thor: Love and Thunder. Hemsworth discussed his role as Thor in a new interview with the Polish magazine Elle Man.

Chris Hemsworth, Thor, MarvelBrook Mitchell / Getty Images

“Are you crazy?! I’m not going into any retirement period. Thor is far too young for that. He’s only 1,500 years old,” he said. “It’s definitely not a film that I say goodbye to this brand. At least I hope so.”

Hemsworth continued to discuss the upcoming film, saying it’s even more fun than Marvel’s last Thor hit, Thor: Ragnarok: “After reading the script, I can say that I am very excited. In this production, there will for sure be a lot of love and a lot of lightning,” he said. “I’m glad that after all that happened in ‘Avengers: Endgame,’ I’m still part of the Marvel Universe and we can continue the story of Thor. Of course, I can’t reveal anything about the plot. But to satisfy your curiosity, I will say that reading the script, I had a lot more fun than on ‘Thor Ragnarok,’ and that shows something because that movie was brilliant.”

Thor: Love and Thunder is expected to hit theaters on Feb. 11, 2022.
