“Dear White People” Star Jeremy Tardy Not Returning For Season 4

“Dear White People” Star Jeremy Tardy Not Returning For Season 4

Dear White People star Jeremy Tardy is not returning the Netflix show’s fourth and final season. He says he has been the victim of racial discrimination during contract negotiations with Lionsgate.

Jeremy Tardy, Dear White People, Season 4Vivien Killilea / Getty Images

“Unfortunately I will not be joining NETFLIX’s Dear White People for its fourth and final season due to my experience with Lionsgate and their practices of racial discrimination,” Tardy announced with a thread on Twitter. “After being offered to return for several episodes my team was notified that our counter offer would not be considered and that the initial offer was the ‘best and final’. This news was disturbing because one of my white colleagues — being a true ally — revealed that they too had received the same initial offer and had successfully negotiated a counter offer.”

Tardy adds that he and six other cast members attempted to work together to strike for more equitable wages, but were undermined by side deals offered by Lionsgate.

“The fact that this has occurred behind the scenes of a show which purports to address systemic issues of racism and discrimination displays the very epitome of hypocrisy. Lionsgate. Netflix. I see you. We see you,” Tardy concluded on Twitter.

Check out the thread at the link below.
