Young Thug Celebrates His First Diamond Plaque

Young Thug Celebrates His First Diamond Plaque

Young Thug is an enigma. Though he has yet to truly establish himself among the Billboard Elite, the man called Jeffery has won hearts time and time again. With stellar features, a respectable discography, and his best charting single to date in “The London,” Thug remains an unpredictable wild card in an occasionally predictable game; you’ll rarely find him at the top of the charts, but he’ll occupy a few top tier spots on many a year-end roundup list. Still, he’s not without surprises. Today, the Slime King found himself on the receiving end of his first Diamond Plaque.

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The honor comes courtesy of “Havana,” his hit collaboration with Camila Cabello, which proved to be a breakout success for the young pop singer. Moreover, casual listeners unfamiliar with the Slime movement were granted an informal introduction to the eclectic stylings of big Jeffery, an encounter the likes of which they won’t soon forget. 

Thug took to Instagram to celebrate the milestone, going so far as to entertain the notion of a name change. “We not “YSL” no more, our new name is “DIAMOND SLIME-MEN,” he writes, clearly proud of his accomplishment. As well he should be – it’s not every day that a Diamond Plaque comes into the fold. Congrats to Thugger and Camila!