Woman Helps Suicidal Man Sitting On Ledge By Using Linkin Park Lyrics

Woman Helps Suicidal Man Sitting On Ledge By Using Linkin Park Lyrics

It was a normal morning for Florida resident Cristina Settanni as she was driving on the highway. That is until she saw a man sitting on the edge of an overpass and something didn’t seem right to her. “I did pass him at first, I saw him,” she said. “I didn’t really think about stopping, but I thought as I saw him in my rearview, I probably should stop, especially since no one else did.” She added, “I know what it’s like to stand on the ledge and think that that’s your only option. He needed somebody to show that somebody cared enough to stop and enough to tell him he didn’t need to do that today.”

The Orange County Sherrif’s Department shares a video of the story, noting that Cristina shared Linkin Park’s “One More Light” lyrics that state,  “Who cares if one more light goes out / Well I do.” She said that after she spoke the lyrics to the man, he began to cry. When an officer arrived, the man didn’t want to move off of the ledge so the deputy dragged him to safety. The gentleman shared that he made bad decisions and disappointed his family. He thought that the world would be a better place without him in it, but Cristina and the officers on the scene gave him hope that things can get better. Cristina also stated that she hasn’t been able to drive on that highway since the encounter.

In July 2017, Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park, was found dead by his housekeeper in his home. His death was ruled a suicide by hanging.