Wendy Williams Weighs In On T.I. & Iggy Azalea Drama, Agrees Tip Should “Shut Up”

Wendy Williams Weighs In On T.I. & Iggy Azalea Drama, Agrees Tip Should “Shut Up”

T.I. and Iggy Azalea have been going head to head recently and the latest on their back and forth came after Tip told The Breakfast Club crew that him signing her may have ruined his legacy. “I’m still actively looking for another female rapper who can undo the blunder of Iggy Azalea,” Tip said, adding that Iggy switched up her vibes when she realized that white people like her music. 

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

By no surprise, Wendy Williams has jumped in the ring to share her opinion on the beef and while she doesn’t have much to say in response to Iggy (agreeing that she did jump to her white fan base quick) she does agree with the “Fancy” rapper that Tip needs to “shut up.”

“I don’t know Iggy Azalea, but I do believe that T.I. needs to stop talking about this,” Wendy told her audience as seen in the clip below. “She didn’t ruin your legacy, she added to it, because by you discovering her, whether you like her today or not, she did have that Fancy song.”

Elsewhere in the clip, Wendy states that she understands Iggy’s move to pertain to her white audience. “I don’t blame Iggy for turning white all of a sudden,” she said. “She’s white! She played black and then she went white, and now T.I. is still talking.”

Watch in full below and let us know what you think.