Twinkies Cereal Will Be LaunchIng In Grocery Stores Soon

Twinkies Cereal Will Be LaunchIng In Grocery Stores Soon

Cereal lovers rejoice! Post Cereal and Hostess Snacks have teamed up for a Twinkies Cereal which will actually be hitting grocery stores later this year. That’s right, America’s favorite snack will now be available for your morning consumption. The new cereal will pretty much bring the golden-colored snack to a bite-size form. The new cereal will hit shelves in December across the nation and will bring the same flavor and taste that America’s grown to love over the decades.

Post Consumer Brand/Walmart

“In developing a cereal version of the iconic Twinkies, our top priority was focused on delivering the great Twinkies flavor in each bite,” Brand Manager of Cereal Partnerships at Post Consumer Brands, Josh Jans, said about the collaborations. “Knowing that taste remains the No. 1 purchase driver of cereal, we conducted multiple consumer tests, and the new Twinkies Cereal delivered. We think fans will find that it not only tastes great with milk but also outside the bowl.”

Twinkies have been a staple in American history since the Great Depression but the new cereal might mark a greater comeback than Tyga’s. In 2012, they ceased production after they filed for bankruptcy. However, they made a return less than a year later and have been going strong ever since. With the new cereal on deck, Twinkies’ is claiming its stake in the breakfast world.