Toronto Raptors Win First Ever Championship, NBA Players React

Toronto Raptors Win First Ever Championship, NBA Players React

Heading into the NBA Finals, not many people were giving the Toronto Raptors a chance to defeat the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors were ultimately injured and battered heading into the series and it allowed the Raptors to take over and win the series in six exciting games. Last night, the Raptors finished the series with a 114-110 victory that will be remembered by Canadian sports fans for years to come. 

Kawhi Leonard ended up coming home with the Finals MVP trophy while role players like Fred VanVleet, Marc Gasol, and Kyle Lowry were praised for their incredible performances. 

It’s the first time a team from outside of the United States has made it to the finals, let alone win the championship. Raptors fans were going crazy in the streets of Toronto as they were overcome with joy thanks to this historic moment. Meanwhile, the Warriors dynasty is now in question and there is a chance that it could all come apart next season, especially with Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson sustaining longterm injuries.

Immediately after the game, NBA players took to Twitter to react to the Raptors championship and offer their sincere congratulations. You can find some of the best tweets below.