Tom Holland Spoiled “Avengers: Endgame” For His “Spider-Man: Far From Home” Co-stars

Tom Holland Spoiled “Avengers: Endgame” For His “Spider-Man: Far From Home” Co-stars

Spiderman‘s Tom Holland has garnered such a reputation for spoilers at this point, that it’s not even shocking when he – once again- reveals thing far before he should. The Peter Parker actor was even told that the funeral scene in Endgame was, in fact, a wedding (further proving he just can’t seem to keep his mouth shut). Now his Spider-Man: Far From Home co-stars have revealed he wasn’t even able to keep the very significant Endgame death to himself.

Zendaya and Jacob Batalon, who plays Ned, said in an interview with YouTuber, Jake Hamilton, that they first learned about Tony Stark’s death from Holland while they filmed Far From Home. When asked exactly how it was that they heard about Robert Downey Jr.’s departure from the MCU, Zendaya simply pointed at Holland. “He told me too early,” she admitted. “I feel like we talked about this way back in, like, 2016,” Batalon added.

“I’ve known for a really long time,” Holland started explaining, to which Zendaya replied, “And thus we have to know.” When asked about how it even came up in their conversation, Holland replied, “I was just like, ‘Yo, what’s up, Iron Man dies.'” As the three chuckled, Zendaya said seriously “honestly, that’s probably exactly how it went.” Iron Man’s death is one of the key reasons Spider-Man finds himself needing to step-up to the plate in the new sequel, which is set to conclude Phase 3 of the MCU. Thankfully, early critical response to Far From Home has been overwhelmingly positive.