This Man’s Viral Cooking Video Voiceovers Are Taking Over The Internet

This Man’s Viral Cooking Video Voiceovers Are Taking Over The Internet

A man has been doing voiceovers to regular cooking videos and the internet is losing its mind. The 26-year-old Georgia man, known as LePub James online, acquired a large number of followers from his comical voiceovers and input on instructional cooking clips. James is amusing, unique and most importantly, hilarious. Moreover, his creative commentary has brought in thousands of views every video and even caught the attention of celebrities such as filmmaker Ava DuVernay. The movie producer recently shared one of James’ several voiceover videos with the following caption: “Every meal would be better with this brother as a guest. Sir, please come to my house to narrate my making of a crunchy peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Your commentary would make it taste scrumptious. I need your support.”

BuzzFeed spoke with James to find out more about his story. Accordingly, he shared that he started making the voiceover videos out of boredom and was just as surprised to them blow up the way they have. Though, fortunately, boredom led to him developing his own niche and profiting off of being himself. “I’ve been making viral videos since 2014 ever since Vine with over 300K followers. I didn’t capitalize then but now I’m not taking my foot off of the gas. Of course, I want to be on the big screen, but if not that’s OK too. I enjoy making people laugh at the end of the day, and whatever opportunity opens up for me I will take and put in 1000 per cent effort,” were LePub James words. Check out the comical videos above and below. 
