Skip Bayless Throws Clippers Jersey In The Trash In Fit Of Rage

Skip Bayless Throws Clippers Jersey In The Trash In Fit Of Rage

Skip Bayless is one of the most notorious sports commentators on TV, and not always for the greatest of reasons. Bayless has come through with some pretty horrendous takes over the years, although that hasn’t stopped him from continuing to do his job. This past season, Bayless was especially high on the Los Angeles Clippers thanks to Kawhi Leonard and the threat they posed to his arch-nemesis, LeBron James. However, this fandom came to a crashing halt when the team was eliminated by the Denver Nuggets.

Last night, Bayless showed his displeasure with the Clippers as he took to Twitter with perhaps one of the grainiest videos ever taken in the history of mankind. If you can get past the 144p quality, you can see the Undisputed host take his Clippers hat and jersey, and throw them into the trash with absolutely no remorse.

Of course, Bayless did the exact same thing to his Ezekiel Elliott jersey, last season, after a string of lackluster performances. Eventually, Bayless brought the jersey out of the trash, as he is clearly doing this as some sort of weird bit.

Either way, it’s clear that Bayless is devastated that now, it’s looking like LeBron is guaranteed to win himself the title.