Rapsody Lists Her Current Top 5 Female Rappers

Rapsody Lists Her Current Top 5 Female Rappers

As one of the game’s most capable lyricists out, Rapsody’s opinion carries a lot of weight. Therefore, when she was asked to name her top five favorite female rappers, she stepped to the task as a dedicated hip-hop head. Speaking with Wayno, Nadeska, and Akadmiks of Everyday Struggle, Rapsody made sure to lay down a few caveats before partaking in the ranking process. For one, the list was to be kept to her current tastes, and subject to change at a moments notice. Second, she was not to be counting herself, an arguable number one on any other list of such a nature.

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Holding the number one spot is Cardi B, whom Rapsody deems her favorite without hesitation. Next up is Leikeli47, a mask-donning emcee boasting two studio albums to her name. She names Tokyo Jetz of Grand Hustle fame, echoing praise that many have put forward before her; in fact, she’s been oft-cited as one of hip-hop’s more underrated.

She interjects here, mentioning that while she does have love for Megan Thee Stallion, she doesn’t know enough material to earn her a placement. At four is Ill Camille out of Compton, and rounding out Rap’s list at five is Houston’s merciless OMB Bloodbath, a co-sign endorsed by Wayno. While it might not be the names you’re expecting, Rapsody has mastered her craft and approaches it with an artist’s sensibility. Be sure to check this one out below, with the discussing popping off around the 27:30 mark.