R. Kelly’s Sex Tape Cache: Feds On The Hunt For More

R. Kelly’s Sex Tape Cache: Feds On The Hunt For More

It’s 2019, so you know R. Kelly is more likely to be on his back foot than not. Just a few hours ago, the host for tonight’s Surviving R. Kelly re-launch linked up with TMZ for an impromptu interview where she spoke about the series’ importance. Part 2 hopes to accomplish what the first installment lacked in “in-depth coverage.” Surviving R. Kelly: The Impact debuts tonight on the Lifetime network in a primetime slot as always.

On that note, R. Kelly is indeed on the back foot, if this TMZ report is any indication. According to the rumor mill, an extensive cache of R. Kelly sex tapes exists somewhere within the reaches of his dungeon(s), possibly the compound in Chicago.

Mike Pont/Getty Images

To recap: Federal agents working out of the state of Illinois are currently probing R. Kelly over three separate issues: sex trafficking, tax evasion and obstruction of justice. The search for additional sex tapes is obviously linked to the sex trafficking probe and not the other two residual investigations.

It’s not as if Kelly and his handlers aren’t aware that a search party is underway. The singer’s extroverted lawyer Steve Greenberg has even commented on the situation by casting doubt on their (the tapes) existence. “The purpose of this, as with all investigations, is to see if there was or was not wrongdoing,” he commented this week. “It certainly does not mean there was.”
