Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Rap Beef Bars & Disses?

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Rap Beef Bars & Disses?

Nothing gets the public good and riled like a rap feud. While nobody likes to see a situation escalate beyond the booth, it’s no secret that fans love to see their favorite rappers indulge in a good bout of lyrical bloodsport. Since hip-hop first emerged in the Bronx on Aug. 11, 1973, the genre has come to spawn no shortage of memorable tilts, many of which have become pivotal moments in the culture’s history. 

We’ve seen it time and time again. When a diss track drops, the people listen. In fact, fans seem to enjoy beef more than actual albums, at least in some situations. With so many diss-track aficionados in our midst, we felt compelled to test your mettle. Should you consider yourself to be somewhat of a “Beef” expert, why not try your hand at our quiz below?

The premise is simple. Disrespectful bars are presented, and it’s up to you to identify the target of said bars. How does your knowledge measure up? Sound off in the comments below….even if you falter.