PJ Tucker Responds To Viral Video Of Equipment Kid Interaction

PJ Tucker Responds To Viral Video Of Equipment Kid Interaction

PJ Tucker is known as the sneaker king of the NBA and over the years has become a respected defensive player in the league. Last night, Tucker had one of his best games of the season as he registered 17 points, 10 rebounds, and three assists in the team’s big win against the Golden State Warriors. While Tucker played well, most people were talking about an interaction he had with an equipment kid that came across as very disrespectful.

In the video, you can see Tucker rip off his track pants and throw them onto the kid, while doing the same thing with his training shirt. Tucker doesn’t say one word to the young man, who doesn’t even see Tucker throw the garments his way.

People on social media were roasting Tucker for what he did, although he was quick to clap back in the comments section of the House of Highlights Instagram account.

“First of all you people commenting are dumb af!!! I don’t even know why I’m commenting. He’s actually one of my favorite kids and if you looked back at any other games i wrap my stuff around him and another kid EVERY SINGLE GAME!!!!! If they showed the entire video you’d see i was running late so it look worst than it was.. Smfh the Internet remains undefeated,” Tucker wrote.

Hopefully, Tucker is telling the truth here because otherwise, this is a pretty bad look.