Obie Trice Sentenced To 90 Days in Jail Behind December Shooting

Obie Trice Sentenced To 90 Days in Jail Behind December Shooting


According to confirmed news reports out of Detroit, Obie Trice will be serving a mere 90 day sentence for possession of an illegal firearm following a shooting in December of last year.

Trice originally pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor gun charge last month, which carries the three month jail sentence and a $100 fine. Trice was given the sentence yesterday while being credited five days towards time served in lieu of the time served during his initial arrest in February.

Trice was originally charged in February following the shooting incident, which led to his girlfriend’s 18 year old son being shot in the groin. The teen filed a restraining order against the Detroit-based emcee, stating that Trice has “unpredictable behavior” when he’s drinking.

The post Obie Trice Sentenced To 90 Days in Jail Behind December Shooting appeared first on The Source.

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