Obama Praises John Singleton For Breaking Barriers For Filmmakers Of Color

Obama Praises John Singleton For Breaking Barriers For Filmmakers Of Color

John Singleton’s efforts have left a long-lasting impact in the film industry. The trailblazing director died at the age of 51 yesterday after suffering from a stroke earlier this month. Singleton’s directorial debut was Boyz N The Hooda unique coming-of-age tale of a boy in South Central Los Angeles navigate his way through challenges in the inner-city. It was met with immediate praise from critics and consumers alike, leading Singleton to become the youngest and first African-American to get nominated for Best Director. Earlier today, the director was remembered by the former POTUS who penned a short, but meaningful, tribute on Twitter.

Hannah Peters/Getty Images

Singleton’s contributions to film undoubtedly opened the doors for more people of color who strived be make it in Hollywood. Obama thanked the late-director for his efforts which ultimately helped a new generation of filmmakers to tell their own stories.

“Condolences to the family of John Singleton. His seminal work, Boyz n the Hood, remains one of the most searing, loving portrayals of the challenges facing inner-city youth. He opened doors for filmmakers of color to tell powerful stories that have been too often ignored,” Obama wrote.

Singleton’s efforts to bring the Black experience to the mainstream wasn’t solely done in Boyz N The Hood but also, in many of his subsequent efforts from Rosewood to Higher Learning and Poetic Justice.