NBA Execs Worried About Potential NBA Bubble Super Team

NBA Execs Worried About Potential NBA Bubble Super Team

As it stands, 22 NBA teams are currently in Orlando as part of the Bubble team experiment. This is an unprecedented time in NBA history as many players are able to mingle with each other, whenever they want. Players who play for different teams but are still friends are able to form bonds with other players to create alliances. It’s a Big Brother dynamic that some executives are worried about.

According to Brian Windhorst of ESPN, general managers and owners believe the bubble could lead to a super team situation, much like what happened with the Miami Big 3 while playing for the United States National Team. In fact, some are already dubbing this potential super team the “Orlando Four.”

“I have heard on more than four occasions, agents or executives complaining about how in a year or two…next year, when we have a loaded 2021 free agent class, whether bonds have been formed in this bubble, with teams that are clustered together, will, you know, play out,” Windhorst said. “In a year, we’ll be talking about the formation of the Orlando Four. Now I’m not sure it’s going to play that way because the reason people think about this is because of what’s happened with Team USAs over the years… in this case, the players are still playing with their teams.”

For now, there is no actual evidence of such a super team forming, however, with a loaded 2021 free agency on the horizon, it’s certainly a possibility.