Mir Fontane on Cardi B Allegedly Stealing “Up” Chorus: ‘It’s More So a Fact Than a Possibility’

Mir Fontane on Cardi B Allegedly Stealing “Up” Chorus: ‘It’s More So a Fact Than a Possibility’


New Jersey artists Mir Fontane and Mir Pesos sat down for an interview on Tuesday to address allegations that Cardi B stole the hook of their song “Stuck” for her new single “Up”.

The Camden native, Mir Fontane, seems certain that their record went straight from their studio session to the multi-platinum Bronx rapper.

“It’s more so a fact than a possibility at this point,” Fontane said on the “Mina’s House” podcast. “I’m not going to say too much or show too much but I’ve definitely been around people that work with Cardi B.”

Cardi B has denied that she copied their hook and said on Twitter that if she in fact had been inspired by Mir Fontane’s hook she would’ve willingly cut them a check.

Cardi B herself may not have stolen the hook, but it is a fact that Cardi often deploys a team of writers when working on new music. According to Tidal, the single has 5 different writers credited for the single.

Cardi B teased “Up” on August 7th, a fact that she posted on Twitter to defend herself. In the interview with MinaSayWhat, Fontane recalls first recording the track as early as April. They dropped the video for “Stuck” in September.

We previewed “STUCK” on August 6th at the end of this video and recorded it even earlier than that, Respectfully. https://t.co/YSB15NjyYo https://t.co/HvPpod7AbJ

— MELODY MONSTER🧀 (@MirFontane) February 5, 2021

After the initial release of “Up” Mir Pesos jumped on Twitter demanding his cut of the royalties from Cardi B. Pesos claims in the interview that he was mostly joking when he tweeted that, but once the tweet went viral it confirmed that other rap fans heard the similarities as well.


— MELODY MONSTER🧀 (@MirFontane) February 5, 2021

This is such a popular phrase and soo many people shit sound https://t.co/KNqyUNaMum mean to tell me I copied like 8 songs ? 🙄🙄STFU tired of explaining this shit https://t.co/H3KrV0iHTN pic.twitter.com/y91UF1IyZo

— iamcardib (@iamcardib) February 6, 2021

Naaa im the type of person that avoids problems & court days .If i get inspired by a song I wouldn’t mind giving a percentage or couple of thousand but I never Hurd if this man .I’m glad while I was recording this song in August I was playing wit the hook on this live https://t.co/xiYLOoj4Vd

— iamcardib (@iamcardib) February 5, 2021

As of now, it is unclear whether or not Pesos and Fontane will pursue legal remedies, however in a separate interview Fontane does say that he wants compensation for the alleged theft.

The post Mir Fontane on Cardi B Allegedly Stealing “Up” Chorus: ‘It’s More So a Fact Than a Possibility’ appeared first on The Source.

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