Migos Welcomes “Honorary Migo” Will Smith Into The Group

Migos Welcomes “Honorary Migo” Will Smith Into The Group

Though the Migos have remained an exclusive clique, they have opened the door for honorary members to join in on the fun. At least, from time to time. Last November, they officially brought Tiffany Haddish into the fold as the “fourth member,” a position more symbolic in nature than concrete. Still, it’s always amusing to see who else they bestow with the honor, especially when the initiation process calls upon the subtle art of memes.  

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

As it happens, Will Smith was welcomed into the ranks by the official Migos IG page, who shared a masterfully cut rendition of “Walk It Talk It,” which finds a clip of the legendary actor lip-synching the Culture 2 hit with eerie precision. Even the ad-libs are represented with signature Smith exuberance. For those of little patience, you won’t find much enjoyment here. Yet for those willing to crack a smile and have a little bit of fun, perhaps you’ll get a kick of it.

Do you think we’ll be getting a Will Smith feature on Culture 3? After all, it wasn’t long ago that Big Will blew the dust off the microphone...