Michael Jackson Artifacts Removed From World’s Largest Children’s Museum

Michael Jackson Artifacts Removed From World’s Largest Children’s Museum

With Leaving Neverland having aired a few weeks ago, people around the world have been changing their stance on Michael Jackson. For years, allegations have been made about the King of Pop, with people saying they were molested by him at his Neverland home. Wade Robson and James Safechuck’s stories were outlined in the recent documentary and after it aired, several radio stations in Canada and New Zealand announced that they would be banning MJ’s music. It appears as though museums are still deciding on whether to keep their Jackson installations intact with the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis choosing to remove several prominent reminders of the singer’s legacy.

Carlo Allegri/Getty Images

The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is the largest children’s museum in the world so this is a pretty major decision. According to NY Daily News, they have announced that they will remove Jackson’s fedora, his gloves, and a signed poster from their display. However, they will be keeping several MJ artifacts that pertain to young AIDS victim Ryan White. 

“As the world’s largest children’s museum, we are very sensitive to our audience,” said the museum in a statement. “In an excess of caution, and in response to the controversy over the HBO film called Leaving Neverland, which directly involved allegations of abuse against children, we removed those objects while we carefully consider the situation more fully.”

Raymond Boyd/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images


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