Megan Rapinoe “Not Going To F*cking White House” If U.S. Wins World Cup

Megan Rapinoe “Not Going To F*cking White House” If U.S. Wins World Cup

The U.S. Women’s Soccer team will face their toughest test of the 2019 World Cup on Friday, as they take on the host nation France in the quarterfinals. Despite their dominance in the tournament thus far, nobody on the U.S. side is overlooking France, who advanced to the quarterfinals with a 2-1 victory over Brazil.

That said, U.S. midfielder Megan Rapinoe already knows she won’t be making a visit to the White House if the team goes all the way this year. Rapinoe, who has been critical of President Trump in the past, flat out said, “I’m not going to the fucking White House.”

This isn’t the first time that Rapinoe has openly discussed how she has no desire to attend the White House if the U.S. defends the World Cup title. Prior to the tournament, she told Sports Illustrated’s Jenny Vrentas that she would be open to meeting with members of government in Washington D.C., but “absolutely not” willing to meet with President Trump.

“I am not going to fake it, hobnob with the president, who is clearly against so many of the things that I am [for] and so many of the things that I actually am,” Rapinoe says. “I have no interest in extending our platform to him.”

The Quarterfinal game against France is scheduled to kickoff at 3pm ET on Friday. You can catch the action on Fox.