Logic Says Def Jam is Refusing to Pay Lil Wayne for Feature Verse

Logic Says Def Jam is Refusing to Pay Lil Wayne for Feature Verse

Logic Says Def Jam is Refusing to Pay Lil Wayne for Feature Verse

Kanye West set Twitter on fire when he targeted record companies and the lop-sided contracts they supply to artists. Enter Logic who is here to cosign the ill-treatment of creatives revealing that Def Jam refuses to pay Lil Wayne for a guest verse on his album.

Logic linked with Weezy for the remix to his “Perfect” remix from his retirement album but we may never hear it since Wayne wasn’t compensated.

I feel you, Def Jam ain’t tryin a pay @LilTunechi his fee so I guess the perfect remix aint coming out,” Logic wrote as he retweeted Kanye. “Owe a few of my folks they money honestly.”

You can see it below.

I feel you, Def Jam ain’t tryin a pay @LilTunechi his fee so I guess the perfect remix aint coming out…. owe a few of my folks they money honestly. https://t.co/Syrpnj56zr

— Bobby Bathroom Break (@Logic301) September 17, 2020

The post Logic Says Def Jam is Refusing to Pay Lil Wayne for Feature Verse appeared first on The Source.

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