Lil Tecca Explains His Extremely Awkward Performance Of “Ransom”

Lil Tecca Explains His Extremely Awkward Performance Of “Ransom”

Have you ever seen somebody as uncomfortable as Lil Tecca performing “Ransom” for Genius? The 16-year-old rapper is still getting used to the spotlight. His hit single has stayed in the Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 for two weeks and as it continues to gain in airplay, the star is learning to adapt to the perils of fame. He knows that he’s got to be ready whenever anyone asks him to pick up the microphone, which is still clearly new to Tecca. The teenager has been getting clowned for his low-energy performance of “Ransom,” which has gone viral online, and now he’s explaining what went wrong in the video.

The hit song has been absolutely everywhere since it dropped and as a result, Tecca was invited to perform “Ransom” during an open mic at Genius. He did not seem to be all too enthused about the spot though, scowling during his one-song concert and generally just looking like he’s scared for his life. Seriously. It looks like someone pushed him up there and forced him to perform. Poor guy. 

During a recent live-stream on Instagram, Lil Tecca explained why he looks so upset during the performance. “That shit was like a barbecue, dude,” said the rapper. “It was like a bunch of people around me and I’m just in a quiet ass room with motherfucking headphones on my ears and they’re like ‘Cut, you ready!? You ready!?’ And I’m singing in a quiet ass room. Are you crazy? Are you telling me that you’d be motherfucking jumping around?”

You can’t really blame Lil Tecca for this. Hopefully, next time he’s a little more comfortable.