Kevin Hart’s Ex-Wife Backs Up Apryl Jones & Lil Fizz After Meek Mill Shade

Kevin Hart’s Ex-Wife Backs Up Apryl Jones & Lil Fizz After Meek Mill Shade

Apryl Jones and Lil Fizz are out here living their best lives and everybody is up in arms about it. Yes, the nature of their relationship is a little strange. And yes, both parties may have said some things that they will seriously regret. However, you can’t really get mad at a couple in love. Fizz and Apryl Jones are enjoying each other’s time and, last night, Meek Mill decided to slide into the comments section to let them know he thinks they’re in the wrong. After Meek told them that they’re “outta pocket” for sharing a coupled-up photo, Kevin Hart’s ex-wife Torrei Hart felt a need to defend Apryl for all the criticism she’s been getting.

“Glad you are happy,” wrote Torrei on the shot. “No one but you two know what truly happened behind closed doors.” Jones commented back that she appreciates the kind words, noting that everything is just perception in the media.

How are you handling the news of Fizz and Jones’ relationship? This development has been dominating gossip headlines for weeks with the drama between them and Omarion taking social media by storm. At least they seem to be unbothered by it all… What do you think?