Kevin Hart Poises Himself For Paramount’s “Scrooged” Remake

Kevin Hart Poises Himself For Paramount’s “Scrooged” Remake

Classic Charles Dickens novel A Christmas Carol has endured almost every revision known to man. Adaptations have included the Muppets, the Flinstones, Disney, and of course, Bill Murray’s Scrooged. The 1998 Christmas comedy is a staple during the holiday season, and 30 years after its release, there is talk that a remake in the works starring Kevin Hart.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the updated version of Scrooged will be produced by Hart’s Hartbeat Productions. They’re currently shopping for a screenwriter to pen the project. The original film starred Murray as a penny-pinching, holiday-hating producer who was responsible for a live television special of A Christmas Carol. The movie also starred Karen Allen, Alfre Woodard, Mabel King, Bobcat Goldthwait, and Robert Mitchum. It wasn’t a huge success at the box office, but every holiday season, networks have kept it in heavy rotation. Scrooged did receive an Academy Award nomination for Best Makeup and Hairstyling, but ultimately lost the crown to Beetlejuice.

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As for Hart, he stars in The Secret Life of Pets 2 and December’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. The comedian will also begin shooting Sony Pictures’s Fatherhood, an adaptation of the best-seller Two Kisses for Maddie.