Kevin Durant Claps Back At Fan After Proving His Elbow Jumper Prowess

Kevin Durant Claps Back At Fan After Proving His Elbow Jumper Prowess

Kevin Durant has built a reputation over the last few years as being a bit of a sensitive player within the NBA. Durant was caught a few years ago with some burner accounts which he was using to clap back at fans who questioned his talent in the league. It was a pretty hilarious discovery at the time but now, KD prefers to answer fans with his main accounts. That’s exactly what happened a few days ago when he told someone on Instagram that their opinion didn’t matter if they couldn’t hit seven elbow jumpers in a row.

One fan on Twitter took the challenge quite literally and decided to hit the gym in order to prove his worth to the Brooklyn Nets star. The fan was able to hit 10 elbow jumpers in a row and took to Twitter to let KD know he had accomplished the challenge in quick fashion.

Of course, this wasn’t good enough for Durant who let the fan know he needs to work even harder. “Good, now do it everyday for 14 years,” Durant replied. 

When you’re talking to an NBA player, it takes a lot more than a couple of jump shots to impress them. As far as KD is concerned, your opinion will only be validated once you make the NBA so if you have something to say to him, it’s probably best you get to work.