Kelly Rowland Tells Cancel Culture To Stop Trying To Be God

Kelly Rowland Tells Cancel Culture To Stop Trying To Be God

Someone can be sitting on top of the world one minute and ripped apart by the public the next over something that Cancel Culture deems to be unacceptable. We’ve watched as innocuous moments or remarks have spiraled into full-blown scandals after social media Cancel Culture advocates have called for the excommunication-like removal of a popular figure. Many people have denounced the concept of “canceling” people who act or speak contrary to popular opinions, and Kelly Rowland dropped off a few thoughts to Cancel Culture bandwagoners.

Kelly Rowland, Cancel Culture, Instagram
Cindy Ord / Staff / Getty Images

“In this ‘cancel culture’ we live in,  I am SO grateful God NEVER canceled me, And I’m sure he could’ve many-a-times!” Kelly wrote on Instagram. “Let us always TRY to remember NOT to judge others. We HONESTLY don’t have the space nor authority too! Let us remember to lead With love & kindness, the world is has enough negativity, for you to pour more into it! #STOPTRYINTOBEGOD”

The singer added, “So what light are you bringing into the world? Please share it with me in the comments below.” Kelly Rowland didn’t specify what recent Cancel Culture moment prompted her to pen this public declaration, but we can only imagine what social media complaints she could choose from. Check out her post below.