Kehlani’s Assistant Is Her Second Favourite Human After Her Daughter For This Reason

Kehlani’s Assistant Is Her Second Favourite Human After Her Daughter For This Reason

Kehlani has been very open about her journey into motherhood with her numerous shares to Instagram post-birth and after birth when she welcomed her daughter Adeya Nomi into the world. From their studio datesfirework hangouts to picnic dates the mother-daughter duo are one of the cutest teams to grace Instagram and it’s safe to say there are a lot more photos to come. 

Amy Sussman/Getty Images

It’s clearly gotten to a point where Kehlani has had to travel without her little cutie and her assistant, who’s seemingly her second favourite person in the world, knew exactly what to do for the new mom. From a photo shared to Instagram, you can see that Kehlani is all kinds of happy that her go-to lady packed her daughters pet lamb for her to have on the road. With it was a note that details how little Adeya’s scent was even left on the stuffie. 

“MY ASSISTANT IS SO WONDERFUL I CANT IM CRYING. I went out of town and she knew I would miss my daughter more than anything look what she did. I’m going to bawl. Wow, I love you so much,” she wrote. 

It’s safe to say Kehlani’s assistant isn’t losing her job anytime soon.