Kanye West Boasts About Yeezy’s Success And Makes Grand Announcement

Kanye West Boasts About Yeezy’s Success And Makes Grand Announcement

Kanye West has been doing a lot to promote his brand new album Jesus Is King and today he stopped by Beats 1 Radio to have a discussion with Zane Lowe. The two talked about a wide variety of topics but perhaps the most interesting part of the whole thing was when he began discussing his Yeezy brand. As you are probably well aware, Yeezys are incredibly influential in the sneaker world and West’s brand has become an international phenomenon that is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down.

West made it a point to show just how big the brand is during his interview and compared himself to the likes of some of the biggest brands in the world.

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Yeezy is still the number one searched brand on the planet,” West said “Number one Yeezy, number two Off-White, three Adidas, and the other three is like Adidas, Nike, Louis Vuitton. Number one was Weezy and all the other ones are closely associated in some way. Every one of these founders has to look at me eye-to-eye.”

The Yeezy founder also talked about how he plans to inject some stability into the American economy by bringing more Yeezy jobs to the United States. West knows how much the country is hurting for jobs and some Yeezy factories would be a huge gain for unemployed Americans.