Jimmy Kimmel Brings Back “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy”

Jimmy Kimmel Brings Back “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy”

It has now been nine years since Jimmy Kimmel started luring parents into participating in his devilish prank of telling their kids that they ate all their Halloween candy. The compilations of the poor children’s reactions, which he airs on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, go viral at the top of every November. The videos show kids going absolutely berserk, at times launching nasty insults or even physical objects. Yet every year, a significant faction of parents decide to put their kids through this emotionally-manipulative process for the sake of millions of strangers’ entertainment. 

Before premiering this year’s edition of the “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” YouTube challenge, the late night host said, “I have been told that many disappointed kids from the first time we did it in 2011 have now blossomed into fully grown disappointed adults. I wanna say something to those out there who think I do this because I enjoy being mean to kids. That is not true. I love kids. Not only do I love kids, I have written and illustrated a new children’s book called The Serious Goose. Now, this is not a joke. It comes out Dec. 3. It’s available for pre-order now and all the money I make from it goes to children’s hospitals here in LA and around the United States . . . Remember that for the next five minutes as we endure the tears of disappointed children.”

Watch the conniptions below.