George R.R. Martin Offers Thoughts On “Game Of Thrones” Ending

George R.R. Martin Offers Thoughts On “Game Of Thrones” Ending

While much hand-wringing ensues over the recently concluded Game Of ThronesGeorge R.R. Martin has been busy watching his series unfold from afar. Presumably toiling away at Kong itself – The Winds Of Winter – as well as myriad television projects, Martin took a moment to weigh in on the finale seen ’round the world. Though David Benioff and Dan Weiss have been dragged through the wringer of late, George made it a point to stand behind them, as well as Thrones writer Bryan Cogman. But first, a bit of reflection, served with a glass of Robin Arryn’s signature “Mother’s Milk.” 

“It is hard to believe it is over, if truth be told,” he begins. “The years have gone past in the blink of an eye.  Can it really have been more than a decade since my manager Vince Gerardis set up a meeting at the Palm in LA, and I sat down for the first time with David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for a lunch that lasted well past dinner?  I asked them if they knew who Jon Snow’s mother was. Fortunately, they did.”

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He proceeds to marvel at the sheer popularity of Thrones, which helped propel him into a surprising state of celebrity. Unfortunately, the added spotlight has occasionally made his Winds Of Winter writing process all the more frustrating. Yet rest assured, it’s coming, and for now it’s still In George We Trust. “How will it all end? I hear people asking.  The same ending as the show?” he ponders. “Different? Well… yes.  And no.  And yes.   And no.   And yes.   And no.   And yes.” 

“I am working in a very different medium than David and Dan, never forget.   They had six hours for this final season.   I expect these last two books of mine will fill 3000 manuscript pages between them before I’m done… and if more pages and chapters and scenes are needed, I’ll add them.” He also closes with one of his favorite open questions, when the topic of adaptation is broached. “Book or show, which will be the “real” ending? It’s a silly question. How many children did Scarlett O’Hara have? How about this?  I’ll write it. You read it. Then everyone can make up their own mind, and argue about it on the internet.” 
