Future Summons “The WIZRD” Once Again With “F&N” Visuals

Future Summons “The WIZRD” Once Again With “F&N” Visuals

Future has been called many things: lothario, narcissist, genius, most evil man in hip-hop, pioneer, the list goes on. On The WIZRD, which arrived at the onset of 2019, some of his darker characteristics were brought to the forefront, making for his most tonally ominous album in a minute. On that note, Future has finally dropped off some visuals for “F&N,” an undeniable album standout. Directed by Colin Tilly, Future’s clip uses smatterings of light to bring a dark and abandoned trap house to life.  

In true hedonistic fashion, Future makes time for a sexy nurse, complete with a Cyclops-esque laser-eye apparatus. The futuristic motif holds true throughout, albeit in a subtle fashion, while the song builds to a climax. As the beat switches, the frantic editing picks up speed to match, bringing dizzying shots of neon-clad baddies into the fold. Check out the clip now, and sound off below. Are you still bumping The WIZRD?