Founder Of NYC’s Most Exclusive, Celebrity Sex Club Is Penning Tell-All Book

Founder Of NYC’s Most Exclusive, Celebrity Sex Club Is Penning Tell-All Book

There are a number of sex clubs around the world that serve a clientele who are looking for a little bit of kinky action, but New York City’s Snctm is one of the top tiers. With memberships that sell for upwards of $425K, Snctm is home to the naughty side of the One Percenters who are looking to host private, sexy gatherings. Snctm’s founder, Damon Lawner, has been hosting these exclusive get-togethers since 2013, some of which involve A-List celebrity clientele, and now that he’s sold off his famed club, he’s ready to spill the tea on what goes on behind closed doors.

Lawner caught up with Page Six to share a few details about his forthcoming tell-all book. “I am going to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth — as much as my lawyer and editor will allow me to say in print,” he said. “It’s going to be an exciting read.” He also stated that a “few of my members who are Hollywood elite have asked for the book as soon as it’s completed,” not because they’re afraid of being named, but because they allegedly want first rights on developing the memoir into a blockbuster film. Expect Eyes Wide Shut but times ten.

For Snctm’s non-members, guests pay around $2K for access to parties where they engaged in various sexual activities in front of everyone. Lawner started the club in Beverly Hills and eventually, his parties made their way to New York City and the Hamptons. Now that he’s passed the “golden ring,” his words not mine, to the new owner, he looks forward to seeing the business he started become a global brand with events all around the world. Meanwhile, Lawner claims his book is two-thirds completed and will reveal “how Snctm came into existence, and everything I saw and experienced in my six-year journey.”