Dwight Howard Says ‘I’m Not Gay’ When Addressing His Sexuality in Upcoming Interview

Dwight Howard has addressed the rumors of his sexuality, appearing on Fair Game with Kristine Leahy and stating that he is not gay.

Back in March, DH12 responded to a lawsuit issued to him from a man named Masin Elije. The man identified as gay and stated that Howard tries to force him into signing a non-disclosure agreement to maintain the details of their relationship that allegedly took place in November of 2018 private.

“I’m not gay,” Howard said. “It hurt at first to go through it. I sat at home and I was like ‘I never want to come outside again.’”

Elije stated Howard and he met at a party and hit it off, he states over time Howard attempted to press him into the NDA and accepting money.

“People were talking about it, and it upset me because I didn’t even know who the person was,” Howard said. “Why would somebody who I never met, never had any contact with, make up a whole story about me. I saw all the hate, the pure hate, from people that I’ve never met before, just pile up everywhere I went.”

Dwight Howard on allegations of his sexuality: “I’m not gay… It hurt at first to go through it. I sat at home and I was like ‘I never want to come outside again.’” pic.twitter.com/yJqJYZm6BT

— Sports Gifs & Videos (@Supreme_Gifs) July 16, 2019

The full interview will air on July 17 and 18 on Fox Sports 1.

The post Dwight Howard Says ‘I’m Not Gay’ When Addressing His Sexuality in Upcoming Interview appeared first on The Source.

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