Drake & Cardi B Appear To Get Cursed Out By Young Kid They Gave Advice To

Drake & Cardi B Appear To Get Cursed Out By Young Kid They Gave Advice To

Drake and Cardi B are some of the biggest artists in the world and if you’re a fan of either of these two, you would probably do anything just to have the chance to talk to them, even for a split second. It’s rare that an artist will take the time out of their busy schedule to acknowledge you, let alone slide in your DMs and offer some friendly, noteworthy advice.

Well, according to this Instagram post from @djvontv, that’s exactly what happened except this time, the recipient of said advice was incredibly ungrateful. As you can see from the post below, some random kid was boasting about smoking weed, which led to a bit of a lecture from both Cardi and Drake. The kid didn’t appreciate these words of wisdom and put them on blast. 

Drake’s reaction to the kid’s comment was pretty calm and even wished him all the best. Meanwhile, Cardi took a much more stern approach as she lashed out at him for his rude and uncalled for remarks. If a fit of clout chasing, the child even went to his Instagram story where he exposed the DMs.

Whether or not these DMs are real is one thing but in all honesty, this kid is a complete savage and needs parental supervision immediately. It’s pretty egregious to be talking to grown-ups like that when you’re not even old enough to attend Degrassi High School.