Drake Accused of Breaking Up Singers 8 Year Engagement During ‘Certified Lover Boy’ Sessions

Drake Accused of Breaking Up Singers 8 Year Engagement During ‘Certified Lover Boy’ Sessions

Drake Announces 'Certified Lover Boy' Delay: 'My Energy Has Been Dedicated to Recovery'

Drake has always remained relatively quiet throughout his career, opting to do interviews and show face only once in a blue moon. Rumors about Drake have never gotten out of hand or required the Toronto-bred rapper/singer to respond to any of them. Now, another rumor has been circulating, accusing Drake of breaking up a singer’s engagement during his Certified Lover Boy sessions.

In a Drake subreddit, a user accused Drake of flying out singer Naomi Sharon and her partner, JamieSun, to work on his forthcoming album. The two apparently went After being spotted in the gym with Drake, and after that is when the act occurred. JamieSun then confirmed that he and Naomi are no longer together after Drake caused Naomi to be unfaithful.

“Imagine having the most beautiful, supportive, and faithful relationship 8 years long with an engagement and wedding planned. A beautiful woman on your side as ride or die. Than this major opportunity comes and a world star calls your fiancé to sign a record deal. Flies you both over and than out of nowhere all the trust is vanished with knifes in your back and in your heart,” JamieSun captioned a picture on Instagram before going private.

He then followed up with another post, saying, “I am no longer with the person people think I am together with. I am no longer with the 8 years I thought I was together with.”

You can check out the links below to see the videos and images in question. Do you think Drake is responsible for their breakup?

Drake working out with him hours before

Recording for CLB

Backup screenshot from IG

Second backup screenshot from IG

ex-fiancé on his flight

The post Drake Accused of Breaking Up Singers 8 Year Engagement During ‘Certified Lover Boy’ Sessions appeared first on The Source.

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