Donald Trump Declares California & New York Have “Gone To Hell”

Donald Trump Declares California & New York Have “Gone To Hell”

Donald Trump has, for better or worse, consistently filled his Twitter timeline with unfiltered takes on American society and beyond. And with the upcoming Presidential election arriving on Tuesday, November 3rd, Trump has come out swinging in an attempt to bolster his support. Seeing as many in his base have gravitated toward his blunt and unapologetic demeanor, Trump has opted to keep the playbook unchanged, taking to Twitter to fire off a few provocative thoughts. 

Donald Trump

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Despite the fact that turning the typically left-leaning California into a red state feels nigh impossible, Trump has opted to stir the pot all the same. Earlier today, the President issued a disparaging tweet, declaring that “California is going to hell.” And, in what can only be described as Mayor Quimby energy, he signed off with an emphatic “Vote Trump.”  It should be noted that the President’s message followed a big win from his old rival LeBron James, who he recently deemed to be “very nasty.” 

And the scorn wasn’t exclusively reserved for California — New York wasn’t spared from the Trumpian wrath. In fact, the Big Apple even got the worse of it, with Trump emphasizing that it had already “gone” to hell. And last but not least, Illinois received an ominous message, with Trump having given up on it completely. “Illinois has no place to go,” he writes. “Sad, isn’t it?”

Never one to say less, Trump’s rant continued with a few more shots across the board, including one at his favorite sparring partner — “the Lamestream Media.” “SO MUCH FAKE NEWS!” he declares, in emphatic ALL-CAPS. “The Lamestream Media has gone absolutely insane because they realize we are winning BIG in all of the polls that matter. They write or show one false story after another. They are truly sick people. VOTE!!!”