Donald Glover Talks “The Lion King,” The Beyonce Effect & More

Donald Glover Talks “The Lion King,” The Beyonce Effect & More

With The Lion King’s world premiere arriving in a matter of days, Donald Glover took a moment to chop it up with Jimmy Kimmel. Embracing the role of Simba with a method actor’s dedication, Glover dons a lion onesie, possibly in the hopes of channeling the young royal’s spirit. “I believe the Jim Henson creature shop made this,” he claims. “It took about five years.” After joking about his “stress-beard,” Glover reveals that he spent up to two years working with motion capture god Andy Serkis. 

Eventually, Kimmel inquires about the fate of Childish Gambino, given Glover’s occasional hints at retiring his musical persona. “I think I’m going to still do shows,” replies Glover. “I’m not quite sure…I love music, I really love making music.” When asked if any Lion King songs have a chance at sliding into the setlist, Glover claims that it’s entirely costume dependent: “only if I’m dressed like this. But I think Disney has a pretty tight leash on those songs. I’d have to be accompanied by Bob Iger.”

Charley Gallay/Getty Images

Naturally, Beyonce becomes a focal point of conversation, prompting a burst of rapturous applause from the audience. Kimmel asks if he recorded his music in the same room as Bey. “I requested not to be,” he replies. “I did not want to be looking into Beyonce’s eyes while doing this. But nah, actually, I was working on Solo at the time so I was in London. I recorded at Abbey Road studios.” He laughs. “I imagine it’s less intimidating playing basketball with Michael Jordan if you’re at home throwing pieces of paper in the trash.” 

He also opens up about his past working as a writer on 30 Rock, which led to him being among the wealthiest of his inner circle. “I had more money than all my friends, but you don’t spend it well.” “What were you spending it on?” inquires Kimmel. “Can I be honest?” says Glover. “Like, Gushers.”