Did Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg Exploit Black and Brown Prisoners to Make Campaign Calls?

He said he didn’t know.

But how are we supposed to believe that the former mayor of the greatest city in the world had no clue of this campaign’s budget-cutting strategy?

Let’s back up.

Presidential candidate, multi-billionaire and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg used prison labor, through the hiring of a third party vendor, to make calls to voters to help get him elected. According to The Intercept, a Jersey-based company called ProCom contracted two female prisons to work on the campaign for little or no money. What does that mean????

Bookie, Tameka and Aunt Quackie are helping old Money Bags Mike B to get into the Oval Office.

The calls were made to potential voters in California.

However, according to an email obtained by The Intercept, Bloomberg’s team did not know and stopped working with the company on Monday, Dec. 30th.

“We didn’t know about this and we never would have allowed it if we had,” said Bloomberg spokesperson Julie Wood. “We don’t believe in this practice and we’ve now ended our relationship with the subcontractor in question.”

Alex Friedmann, managing editor of Prison Legal News and an advocate for incarcerated people’s rights is not having it. He believes that the exploitation of these Black and Brown bodies that have no say in the election anyway is inexcusable.

“The use of prison labor is the continued exploitation of people who are locked up, who really have virtually no other opportunities to have employment or make money other than the opportunities given to them by prison officials.”

We are watching you, Bloomy! You need to get a little less messy if you want our vote!

The post Did Presidential Candidate Mike Bloomberg Exploit Black and Brown Prisoners to Make Campaign Calls? appeared first on The Source.

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