Curren$y & Styles P Set The Bar Super High On “KITT”

Curren$y & Styles P Set The Bar Super High On “KITT”

The ever-prolific Curren$y is back with new heat for his sixth project of the year. Serving as their second collaborative effort of 2020 together, Curren$y and Harry Fraud’s smoked-out worlds connect for The Director’s Cut. Nine tracks in length with a run time over a little over 20 minutes, Spitta packs the features in with a few that have come to prominence in the past few years and others, who’ve maintained legendary status for decades.

Among the many highlights, Curren$y and Harry Fraud join forces with Styles P on “KITT.” The crunchy East Coast drums, and hypnotizing loops of distorted guitars cooked up Harry Fraud serves as the backdrop for Curren$y and Styles to swap bars of stoner luxury.

Check out Curren$y and Harry Fraud’s “KITT” ft. Styles P below.

Quotable Lyrics
Supercharger turbo in the whip, yeah it’s skid row
Know I’m blasting Death Row, know I’m blasting Esco
Probably playing show room right out of the showroom
Need some motivation, n***a look at me, let’s go
Entrepreneur, sold raw right on the tenth floor