Chris Brown & Drake Celebrate “No Guidance” With Epic Comic Book Artwork

Chris Brown & Drake Celebrate “No Guidance” With Epic Comic Book Artwork

A pair of “mortal enemies” teaming up and setting fire to the world certainly plays out like the plot of a comic book. And by Drake’s own admission, that’s exactly what he and Chris Brown enacted, by teaming up to craft Indigo summer smash “No Guidance.” Though Drake’s enemies once notably “took away his energy,” it would appear that they currently have the adverse effect, giving him the boost of momentum he needed going into a music-free summer. As for Breezy, he’s looking well suited for his upcoming album launch, which promises to be his biggest release in a minute. 

Today, Breezy took to Instagram to enhance the “No Guidance” experience, sharing some cool new artwork. The image depicts Drake and Brown as comic-book avatars of sorts, white-eyed and flaming, mortal enemies united under a singular cause. The panel stands in keeping with Indigo’s artistic direction, hallucinogenic and somewhat anime inspired; one has to wonder if his myriad collaborators will earn the same treatment. 

In any case, check out the picture below, and sound off in the comments. Are you excited for Indigo to hit stores on June 28th?