Big Sean & Jhene Aiko’s Sex Life Sparks Questions From “Desus & Mero”

Big Sean & Jhene Aiko’s Sex Life Sparks Questions From “Desus & Mero”

If there’s a funny story trending, expect Desus & Mero to cover it on their Showtime program and share their wild takes. A story like Big Sean making his (potentially?) ex-girlfriend Jhene Aiko climax nine times in a single day is basically begging for ridiculous commentary. On Friday, Jhene released a new single titled “None of Your Concern”, which Sean appears on for the final verse to poignantly rap, “I made you cum nine times in one day/Your two lips should come in a vase, you rode my face.” 

On last night’s episode of Desus & Mero, the comedic duo was asked to comment on this tidbit about TWENTY88’s sex life, which was hilariously referred to as “the Big Sean controversy.” At first it seemed like they hadn’t actually heard the new Jhene song. Desus asked if the question was referred to how Jhene “was subbing” Sean and Mero thought she was shading Sean for having “some weak dick.” Then, once it was clarified what the “controversy” entailed, Desus still felt some more information was required in order to fairly assess the situation. “You gotta break it down,” the late-night host said. “Was it 9 sessions? Cause then that might have been like little 30-second sections that didn’t matter. You gotta do the math. Does she cum easy?”. 

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Desus also digressed for a moment to give a review of the (former?) couple’s 2016 collaborative project, TWENTY88. “They did have a good album together, though. It was like sexy, but it was like watching a couple next to you at Red Lobster break up and shit… but they doing like a weird thing where they don’t know if they’re gonna break up or just go home and have sex.” He also joked that his days of listening to these artists’ collaborations were behind him. “I’m at my house listening to Big Sean and Jhene Aiko? What am I, like 19? N****, I’m tryna get mortgages.” 

Listen to the discussion around the 2:30-mark in the video below.