B2K’s Fizz Attacked On Social Media Once Again Over Relationship With Apryl Jones

B2K’s Fizz Attacked On Social Media Once Again Over Relationship With Apryl Jones

The latest season of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood is drawing to a close, and there has been just as much drama happening on screen as there has been off. The dynamic between Moneice Slaughter and her ex Fizz, along with his close relationship with Apryl Jones—Fizz’s B2K bandmate Omarion’s ex and mother to his children—has been a tangled web.

For years, the relationship between Fizz and Moneice has been contentious and both parties haven’t skimped on tossing insults toward the other. This season, there were rumors that Fizz and Apryl were carrying on a secret romance, as the pair moved in together and were even photographed laying in bed. However, they’ve maintained that they’re just “best friends” and nothing is going on, but Moneice was adamant that the pair were lying.

As weeks have pressed on, Fizz uses his opportunities on LHHH to poke fun at the mother of his child and has been filmed taking jabs at her singing career. On the most recent episode of the show, there was an emotional moment with Fizz, Apryl and Apryl’s parents as her mother tearfully verbalized her appreciation to the B2K singer for standing by their daughter when Omarion allegedly abandoned her.

Fizz expressed compassion for Apryl and stated that he didn’t want to tell her business, but she’d been through rough times. The tears began to flow and it was a tender moment, but if you looked on social media, the reactions weren’t as sympathetic. Fans wondered why Fizz was quick to dismiss Moniece, the mother of his son, and all of the struggles she was dealing with, while embracing Apryl through her conflicts with Omarion. Check out the clips of the episode and a few mixed reactions below.