Ashanti’s Jaw-Dropping Curves Can’t Be Contained In Her Tiny Bikini

Ashanti’s Jaw-Dropping Curves Can’t Be Contained In Her Tiny Bikini

Ashanti has always been beautiful but at this stage of her career, she’s been absolutely revolutionizing the art of the thirst trap. There’s not much to a thirst trap either. Of course, there will always be the queens of making men and women do double-takes on their Instagram feeds and historically, Ashanti hasn’t been part of that group. The Kardashians and a select number of famous “Instagram models” earn that title. The 38-year-old singer is creeping her way to the throne though because, in the last few months, she’s posted dozens of stunning shots of herself by the beach, enjoying her life and taking in the sun

In her most recent photos, Ashanti wears a tiny bikini that can barely contain her curves. The neon green two-piece is cut out at all the right places to showcase the most flattering parts of her body. It’s all to promote her new line of swimwear too, collaborating with Pretty Little Thing to unleash some summer favorites onto the ladies

Don’t expect this to be the end of Ashanti’s foray into the thirst trap market. It’s been working out for her so far so she’s bound to keep it going.

Where does Ashanti rank on your list? She’s got to be near the top!