Action Bronson Teases New Album “Only For Dolphins”

Action Bronson Teases New Album “Only For Dolphins”

Dolphins may not have an appreciation for hip-hop culture (at least as we know it), but Action Bronson has singled them out all the same. The zany and talented lyricist has been a busy man of late, having allowed his artistic career to manifest in new and exciting ways. If you haven’t yet seen his paintings, check out his IG and take a look; the man is a regular scholar of Bob Ross, and whips up some dope canvases. Yet, multi-talented though the man may be, Action’s true raison d’etre remains music. On that note, he’s been hard at work on his upcoming new album Only For Dolphins, as well as a few new books. 

Prolific though he may be, Bronson never manages to stretch himself thin. While it’s unclear when Only For Dolphins will ultimately end up dropping, Bronson confirms that he is indeed cooking up in the studio. Not only that, but he’s getting ready to drop off a pair of books, following up his recent Stoned Beyond Belief. Expect plenty of Bronson’s colorful vernacular to shine across both mediums, and more details will be revealed in the near future. Are you on board for whatever Bronson is selling? 

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