50 Cent Has A Laugh Over Tracy Morgan’s Scuffed Bugatti

50 Cent Has A Laugh Over Tracy Morgan’s Scuffed Bugatti

Even when 50 Cent is expressing sympathy, it’s hard to hear anything over than the echoes of his villainous laughter. Of course, we’ve long loved the legendary rapper for his antagonistic persona, whether he was obliterating the game on “How To Rob” or dismantling his enemies on the appropriately titled “Death To My Enemies.” Yet in this Instagram age, 50 Cent has developed a newfound passion for cultural commentary, often delivered by way of hilarious memes and captions. Naturally, when fu*kery is afoot, the man they call Fofty is seldom far behind. 

Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images

Such was indeed the case after Tracy Morgan found himself on the receiving end of a horrendously annoying accident, in which his fifteen-minute-old Bugatti was sideswiped by a Honda CR-V. To add insult to injury, Morgan’s pristine new whip still sported the dealership plates, so perhaps consider reevaluating your own recent spell of luck. Yet somehow, 50 was able to find glee in the situation, taking to Instagram to empathize with Morgan in his own unique fashion.

“yo why this fool hit Tracey Morgan Bugatti wit a Uber upTown,” writes 50, beside a mischevious emoji. “LOL I know he tight right now, all the fun over today. Hahahaha.” Perhaps this is one of those “you have to laugh or else you’ll cry” type of deals. After all, a scratched Bugatti is better than no Bugatti at all, is it not? One thing is for certain – it’s a good thing that Honda driver didn’t end up scuffing Fofty’s whip, lest the kneecapper come a knockin’