50 Cent Explains What Happened To His Instagram Account

50 Cent Explains What Happened To His Instagram Account

You have probably noticed that 50 Cent has been absent from your Instagram feeds for the past few days. It’s hard not to when the man frequently posts Power-related memes or nasty disses. The lack of 50-spawned drama on our timelines has required some adjustment. Last Wednesday, we reported that 50’s IG account had been deactivated and that is still the case today. One would suspect that his deactivation would be a result of him not abiding by the app’s guidelines, but it turns out that he left of his own accord. 

While Fif is absent from the Gram, he has taken to Twitter as an outlet for his many opinions. He tweeted that he switched platforms because he’s liking Twitter more these days. If you’re missing his social media messes, you can follow him on there, cause I assure you it’s the same old 50. He responded to a headline that reported his IG was deactivated because he trolled actress, Naturi Naughton’s hairline with “rude memes.”LOL I’m cool with all these false report, if you don’t know why something happens you can’t just make some shit up smh I turned my own IG page off SUCKERS,” he tweeted. He also claimed that he was “sticking up” for Naughton, rather than roasting his Power colleague. When a Twitter user advised him not to return to Instagram until he has some manners, 50 characteristically waved her off with a “Shut up bitch.”